Print Media Monitor Pricing

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All plans include monitoring of news content on the websites of mainstream newspapers and magazines in English, Hindi and major Indian languages
The service provides images of articles including content not in public domain. If you are looking for images of news articles in public domain, please click here to view pricing for Online Media Monitor.
All plans allow you to choose from thousands of topics such as politics, business, stock markets, and social issues.



Per month

billed at ₹70,800 ₹56,640

Per year

Try free for 7 days

What's included

Online News content in French and international media.
A compilation of headlines with links to the publisher's website.
Ability to choose from thousands of topics such as politics, business, stock markets, and social issues.
Ability to create customised topics including news about your organisation, brands, competitors, customers and industry.
Ability to access latest news content 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Ability to receive news content by email.



Per month

billed at ₹4,78,800 ₹3,83,040

Per year

Try free for 7 days

What's included

All of the features of Business Plan.
REST API which can deliver news headlines in JSON format for integration in your internal systems.
Webhooks or structured notifications sent to your apps and to automation platforms such as Zapier. You can use the webhooks be alerted as soon as a new service is available and to integrate news headlines with thousands of apps.
Larger number of email recipients.
Larger number of customisable queries.
Larger number of news headlines per month.
Larger number of news updates everyday.


₹5,900 +

Per month

₹4,720 +
billed at ₹70,800 + ₹56,640 +

Per year

Try free for 7 days

What's included

Ability to order Quantitative analysis of the media coverage by media source, date, topic and other available meta data.
Ability to order Quanlitative analysis such as competitive impact analyses where coverage of your organisation is compared against that of competitors.
You can choose to brand the service with your logo. This will allow you to serve readers within your organisations with your own branding.
You choose the number of email recipients.
You choose the number of customisable queries.
You choose the number of news headlines per month.
You choose the number of news updates everyday.
Item Name Startup Business Enterprise Custom
Email Addresses
Email Addresses ?You can add unlimited number of email addresses to receive services or service notifications.
3 20 100 Unlimited
Queries ?The service supports having unlimited number of queries with each query supporting 100 keywords. Each query can have positive, negative and boolean parameters such as AND and OR. Multiple queries can be defined to search content on different topics.
1 5 50 Unlimited
Press Clippings
Press Clippings ?Press Clippings allow you to view the full text of the article. The PDF file containing the full text or the image of the article is available within the Press Monitor app.
90 300 750 Unlimited
Daily Updates
Daily Updates ?The service can be delivered multiple times every day including every hour. You determine how frequently you wish to be updated.
1 1 2 Unlimited
Manual Classification
Manual Classification ?Our boolean query system is powerful and is able to find relevant stories in most cases. However, some keywords are often used with multiple meanings based on context and the speaker. Manual classification is appropriate where the output must be delivered after a human expert has reviewed it.
Thematic Sections
Thematic Sections ?The compilation is organised into thematic sections, relevant to your needs. Most customers choose themes such as Policy, Regulatory, Industry, Corporate, Markets, Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers and others.
REST API ?The service can be delievered as a REST API. This will allow you to import content into your internal systems for further internal consumption.
Webhooks ?These are structured notifications sent to your apps and to automation platforms such as Zapier. You can use the webhooks to be alerted as soon as a new service is available.
Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis ?The analysis reviews the media coverage by media source, date, topic and other available meta data. The analysis is presented with summaries in bars and charts, along with supporting numbers.
Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis ?The qualitative Anslysis can take various shapes. For example, media coverage can be qualitatively analysed for how different media outlets treated various news articles. It can also be analysed for impact. You can also get competitive impact where coverage of your organisation is compared against that of competitors.
Branding ?You can choose to brand the service with your logo. This will allow you to serve readers within your organisations with your own branding.